How can we help you?

The way people work is constantly evolving but has been severely disrupted with current events. While workplace concerns had already been turning towards data-driven decision making, being able to build more agility into the amenities and the workstyles, there is suddenly an accelerated need for technological solutions.

Planning a return to the office

This phase of the pandemic is demanding a real introspection from every organization.

How should we deal with our real estate assets?
How can we safely share the office again?
How can we keep our teams working collaboratively?

And many more equally critical questions!

How will we move forward?

Nobody knows precisely how you should adapt your workplace except you and your employees, we just have to look at the data.
With no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution, first look into the information you are already producing in your day-to-day to support or guide the solution for your unique organization.

Our anonymous-by-design technologies + experienced data analysis will improve your


End-users health and wellbeing

By validating occupancy levels + cleaning compliance

Reports on air, temperature and acoustic quality


Collaboration and access 

Handheld navigational and resource booking software

Connectivity with Outlook and Linkedin to see where checked-in colleagues are on the premises


Workplace change management

Asset / Resource optimisation

Benchmark data to inform new strategies + existing floor plan adaptations

How MySeat works its magic

We use IoT, software and anonymous in-depth analysis to help organizations and individuals quantify the space resources they need to perform their work, in addition to providing exhaustive solutions for analytics to Facility and Building Managers, we now offer value to individuals, who work partially or entirely off-site.

We are big fans of harnessing the data that your users yield in their normal day to day activities as a larger part of your decision making.

By observing the usage patterns, the cleaning schedule can easily be tailored to follow the usage directly and liberate clean workstations and other resources for other employees. By reassuring your employees of the cleanliness of the spaces this way can go a long way to increase trust and confidence.

Our Team and Our Clients

Built around the projects and studies conducted for our clients, our multi-talented team of experts have over 10 years of designing and operating IoT based dashboards worldwide. The team also includes expert advisors in finance, business management, healthcare analytics, research-based interior design and machine learning.

Our Experience

Since 2011, as a first mover in the workspace analytic industry, MySeat has conducted deep market testing in many different business fields, providing added value for workspace operators, ranging from traditional office spaces to personal and retail services like salons and healthcare facilities. Most any object can have a sensor installed easily to measure and quantify people’s interactions with it. Think about the possibilities!

We are more relevant to your organization today than ever before


Prior to COVID 19, organizations were already hungrily adopting analytics sensors and IoT solutions to quantify the real need for office space and related resources, in order to both reduce costs and increase employee satisfaction levels. See the Memoori market study for the pre-pandemic Workplace Analytics market (source), published early 2020.

Since the pandemic hit, many modern office areas are seemingly becoming irrelevant; high-density benching, large meeting rooms, phone booths, shared desks and storage. As a result, and also because of the new physical distancing requirements, many real estate budgets will shrink and a high percentage of people that are working from home will be doing so for the foreseeable future. These changes will require a redesign of the workspaces and an increased need for asset monitoring data and technology. According to CBRE EMEA, 72% of tenants say they will reconfigure spaces, and 88% will raise budgets for technology related solutions (source).

What distinguishes MySeat?

Outdated sensor technologies and network solutions that are used by some are not suitable for a comprehensive, low maintenance, reliable, and anonymous data collection within the office space.

Many workplace and CRE industries are lacking the in-house tools to operate a dense network of occupancy / sensors that allow reliable performance, low operating cost and granular data collection while ensuring privacy by design.
The MySeat suite of products and services reply to a varied scope of technological needs many tenants and building management teams share, and rather than having to resort to multiple suppliers and systems, go simple.

Typically installed only on workstations, we find that lounge chairs and coffee machines are also where people are at. Now that we need to ensure physical distancing, sensors in those busiest areas are crucial to seeing the full picture. Most of the head-counting occupancy systems other than MySeat will not be able to capture the multitudes of other busy spaces in corporate offices such as informal seating, booths, coffee zones, etc or the work from home data.

We guide clients undergoing these current changes in a multitude of ways. Studies can be as broad and overarching as they can be pointedly direct. Since every organization is unique in terms of its culture and practices, the information required on the short, medium or long term will be very personalized to each of those realities.