Posts by MySeat :

7 questions about your office that you can’t answer … unless you have access to workplace analytics (2/7).
Acknowledgement : The information shared in the article comes from a MySeat case study where data have been gathered for a significant period of time (1 year). Findings are specific to one client in one location : CTI Working Environments and should not be considered as a benchmark data for any item listed below. Previous findings : You have […]

7 questions about your office that you can’t answer … unless you have access to Workplace Analytics (1/7).
Workplace Analytics are about much more than just counting people in a space, (or devices around)… it is more about learning how people use the ressources made available to them and use that information to fuel the change and enhance experience. DISCLAIMER : The information shared in the article comes from a real life case […]

Ubisoft space utilization Case study
It is no coincidence that Ubisoft wound up as one of Forbes’ Top 10 for Canada’s Best Employers. This video game publisher cares greatly about the comfort and well-being of its team member; a trip to their main building on Saint-Laurent boulevard in Montreal will convince you. The workspace laid out by their estate management team is designed to […]

The Space Planner’s Best Friend
Most workplace consultants that we interviewed revealed that their clients increasingly ask them to gather workplace utilization data, with the hopes of accurately evaluating the performance of their facilities. Traditionally, this is accomplished by having someone walk around, carrying forms or tablettes, and taking notes of “who is sitting here and there”, repetitively and for […]